Thursday, November 4, 2010

Holiday Season Watch Outs

Hey everyone, Holiday season is once again upon us, Here are a few things to keep in mind while decorating, baking, and cooking.

Be careful of holiday decorations, things like bulbs and tassel, and fake pumpkins not only look good to you and your human friends they also look very fun to our pets, Some may even eat the most uncommon things, And who whats to pay to bring your pet to the emergency room on the eve of a major holiday. Christmas is just around the corner so keep track of the ribbon and other decorations you may have around the house. Keep and eye on the Christmas tree as well, you don't want to see your cat climbing to the top knocking off the ornaments, then becoming scared to come down.

While Baking and Cooking remember what is bad for your pets! contact your local vet if you have any questions about these concerns. Remember raisins, grapes and chocolate are a major no, no to dogs. Some other things to avoid for your dogs and cats are: Coffee, Tea, Macadamia nuts, Mushrooms, Onions, and garlic. And please pet owners, remember NO BONES!

Some plants to keep out of reach are the following: Poinsettia, Holly berry's and leaves, Mistletoe is the most toxic.